Future Event Solutions Academy Dates

Are you looking to take the Event Solutions Academy in the future? Here are our upcoming dates.

CMP Blog

The CMP Blog has so many helpful posts that address your questions and concerns about the certification process.

CMP Handbook & Addendum

These downloadable handbooks provide an overview of the CMP Program. Look no further for detailed information about eligibility requirements and acceptable forms of documentation for your application.

CMP Recertification Handbook

This downloadable handbook provides an overview of the CMP Recertification Process. Look no further for detailed information about eligibility requirements and acceptable forms of documentation for your application.

CMP Application

Your application must be submitted online. Your first step is to create an online account where you can document your continuing education activities and your professional experience.

CMP International Standards

To be successful on the CMP exam, you will use the CMP-International Standards to understand industry best practices.

Purchase Manuals

Events Industry Council Manual 9th Edition

Professional Meeting Management 6th Edition, Published by PCMA

Events Industry Council Glossary - purchase in print or use the free online version.

These three items are required reading for the Event Solutions Academy and the CMP Crash Course.

You may be able to borrow from colleagues or through social media.